workshop choral conductor

Threads & tips

Leading Voices has a lot to offer. Therefore, we provide you with a selection of sessions that might interest you specifically, based on your profession or interest – we call these threads. If you feel a session is not applicable to you, we recommend you to use the filters on our website, to easily check what the other options are. Sessions that need registration or audition in advance are mentioned below seperately. When you register, you will be asked about this.

Music Educators

This thread guides you to sessions that focus on the work of a music teacher that works mainly in class rooms. You will find new ways to work with your children or learn about the change of their voices. Download a pdf of the thread for music educators here.

Special tips are the LAB by Basilio Astulez or the LAB by Anders Edenroth and Rohan Poldervaart. You need to register for these in advance, which you can do during the regular registration process. Note that you can only register for one of these LAB’s, as the timeframes overlap. It is not possible to join only part of a LAB.
You can find threads to combine a LAB with lectures:
– thread including LAB Basilio Astulez, link
– thread including LAB Anders Edenroth & Rohan Poldervaart, link
– thread including LAB Jim Daus Hjernoe, link
– thread including LAB Santi Serratosa & Cara Tasher, link

Of course you can always select your own programme. we recommend to use the filter option at the overview of the programme.


This thread guides you to sessions that focus on the work of a composer or arranger for choirs. For example, you can visit sessions about Makam singing, copyright issues, or bonding music influences from east and west.

Special tip is the LAB by Josep Vila i Casañas. You need to apply for audition for this LAB in advance. Check the info on audition on this session to know more. If you want to know how you can combine this LAB with other sessions like workshops and lectures, please download a possible schedule here.
If you are interesting in the LAB by Anders Edenroth and Rohan Poldervaart, which also has a connection to composing, please download a possible schedule here.

Of course you can always select your own programme. we recommend to use the filter option at the overview of the programme.


This thread guides you to sessions that focus on the work of a manager of a choir. You will learn from fellow managers and get inspiration from new tools. A proposal for a thread you can find here. Of course, you can also find all our sessions for managers by using the filter on the website to compose your own favorite programme.

Choral conductors

This thread guides you to sessions that focus on the work of a choral conductor working mainly in the field of classical music.
Special tip is the Masterclass Conducting for choir conductors. You need to apply for audition for this in advance. Please check the info on audition on this session to know more. It will also be possible to see parts of the masterclass from the audience. Registration for this will be possible during the event.

Apart from the masterclass, we’ve composed a proposal for a thread for choral conductors which you can find here. Of course, you can find all our sessions for choral conductors by using the filter on the website and compose your own favorite programme.

Vocal Leaders

This thread guides you to sessions that focus on the work of a conductor working in with different genres that want to explore as many new things as possible.
Special tip is the Masterclass on Open Singing by Jan Schumacher and Merzi Rajala. You need to apply for audition for this in advance. Please check the info on audition on this session to know more.
Another special tip is the LAB by Cara Tasher and Santi Serratosa or the LAB by Jim Daus Hjernøe. You need to register for these in advance, which you can do during the regular registration process. Note that you can only register for one of these LAB’s, as the timeframes overlap. It is not possible to join only part of a LAB.

We’ve also composed a proposal for a thread for vocal leaders, you can find it here. Of course, you can also compose your own thread by using the filter on the website.