Marko Lõhmus

Marko Lõhmus is a senior lecturer in cultural management and cultural policy in The Academy of Music and Theatre of Estonia. Additionally, he is a managing director of cultural centre Lindakivi in Tallinn and lecturer of cultural policy in Tartu University. Lõhmus used to work as a managing director in Tallinn Philharmonic Society, general manager of state concert organization Eesti Kontsert and manager of Pärnu City Orchestra.

He also served as a music advisor to Estonian Ministry of Culture. Marko is a board member of Estonian Music Council and Estonian Music Festivals. Since 2009 he has been a stage manager of orchestra and soloist stages in all Estonian Song Celebrations on Tallinn Song Festival grounds. One of the focus topics of Marko Lõhmus in cultural management is the safety of event management and crowd management.